<img height="80" width="600" src="http://shdwhawk.webs.com/CCPShappybanner-11.jpg">.: 3 December 2005 - Mdm Sng's going, & someone's coming back.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

3 December 2005 - Mdm Sng's going, & someone's coming back.

Its not yet a millennium, but ah well... who cares? Hahaha. My brother is sleeping so I get to use the computer. He's in NS, so since he only comes home every weekend, I have to let him use the pc. But what he ususlly does is just play games and inadvertably try to crash the pc. That idiot. And after his BMT passing out parade on the 6th (this explains the title I hope), he will be on a 10 day leave until he receives his posting. I pity the pc.

Actually, I usually read many books simultanous when the book I'm reading is boring. The record lihua and I are talking about is this (as lihua phrase it. It's in the previous post comments): "I'm trying to break her record of reading so many books."
This does not include newspapers and magazines. First, I don't read magazines. I'm not the type to be obsessive over a picture. And magazines can't really be counted right? Especially since those magazines lihua read have tons of pictures and few words. Second, I usually don't have every single day's newspaper. And third, lihua can forget about this because I don't intend to spoil my eyesight. And I finish all current hairy otter's books. :P
Maybe I should try thinking of ways to insult daniel, but since he is a real person, I'm not going to. Harry Potter is not real, so I can insult him all I like. And I like to see you try to even find the AREA where I live in, lihua (I'm sure you can't). Yes, yes, I know I live in Singapore...

As for my phrase book, I thought of copying wholesale from the dictionary because it is difficult to find words that can be put into my phrase book. Not to mention I usually ended up reading that book instead of looking for words. Sometimes I learn new words or phrases but am too lazy to note it down. I suppose that's why my spelling (and occasionally pronuciation) is absymal. Though if I see a word frequent enough I may remember it.

I know about the Library at Orchard. Many books I search up can be found there, but my mother want one of my parents to accompany me. So I have yet to go there.

Lihua, you say you learn a new word: bumbershoot. There is no such word, and I seriously doubt the markers will be impressed. Besides, why complicate things? An umbrella is an umbrella.
And be careful you don't turn into a blundering idiot that bumbles on and go bumbling about (see if you can figure that out). ;P


Blogger MdmSng said...

OK, maybe one day I organise a school trip to the Orchard library. And if you get your angpow money already, we'll pop by Kinokuniya as well and you can buy some really nice books for yourself.


05 December, 2005 16:48  
Blogger shdwhawk said...

Ah, yes, you yourself needed someone to bring to there first right? So how am I to go to the Orchard Library myself if I don't know where is it?

And how are you to get me if I insult Daniel? And I won't go to your blog anymore if you don't stop using my name or remove my bro's site link. If you ever want to put my site link up, then call or sms me and I'll let you know what you can use. And no need to broadcast your classmate's name so damn loudly (and in full caps) in public.

05 December, 2005 16:49  
Blogger shdwhawk said...

I doubt many will want, mdm sng, since most will be super anxious about 'o' levels (especially a particular worrier).

05 December, 2005 16:54  

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