<img height="80" width="600" src="http://shdwhawk.webs.com/CCPShappybanner-11.jpg">.: 2 December 2005

Friday, December 02, 2005

2 December 2005

First of all, I like to say my myopia problem is due to BOTH playing games and reading. I can, at times, read finish 1 to 2 books a day. But ever since my degree shot up, I'm limiting myself, besides, the Geylang East library is running ouut of interesting books, or rather, has ran out of... And Li Hua, reading 6 harry potter books in a week then not reading for the rest of the month does not count if you trying to compete, and I'm not rereading the books that I normally read. (You can never break my record).
Secondly, mdm sng... the problem is that I DON'T take a break when I'm reading. And lately, due to the lack of paper books, I'm also reading e-books, which means I have to look at the computer. I can also start on at least 2 books. On 27 Nov (my previous post), I had already started on 3 books - 2 library books and 1 ebook. So, Li hua, what have you got to say?
Thirdly, my large jumps in eyesight degree was when I was aroung Pr5 and Pr6. At that time, I hardly played any computer games. In fact, the pc could hardly support many games. And at that time, I read a lot, especially during the holidays, thats why li hua can never beat my highest record. Now I'm trying to taper down the stress on my eyes, so forget about future competions.
I don't have to go to lihua's blog to laugh my head off. Her obsession with Harry (hairy) Otter (lol) is rather amusing. And the alteration of harry's name is also rather amusing (especially when I imagine someone's reaction...). I'm still wondering when my friend is gonna call me for a game (sports, not pc!). She said she will call me to play badminton, but its nearly 2 weeks. Maybe I'll just call her.

And mdm sng, you have yet to answer this question: can I just simply go through the dictionary, then write down the words that I do not know in my phrase book?

I'm itching to continue my reading, just decided to put it off a while to take a look at my blog. Maybe I'll continue some other time, see you next millennium...


Blogger MdmSng said...

So I've met another person who's into 2-3 books at one go. We're comrades, girl! I'm now into 3 books simultaneously - 2 English and 1 Chinese. That's not counting magazines I subscribe to like National Geo & Newsweek, which I read in between TV commercial breaks.

I'm curious - what is this record that Li Hua is trying to break?

Re your phrase book -- don't do it just to meet my quota la. Do whatever is meaningful for you. If you prefer just looking at dictionary, go ahead.(I used to do that as a teenager as well.) As long as you learn some good words and can use them to show off your 'powderful' English, that's a good start.

For good paperbacks - go to Library at Orchard.

03 December, 2005 11:41  
Blogger shdwhawk said...

I doubt the markers will be impressed.

03 December, 2005 17:02  

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