<img height="80" width="600" src="http://shdwhawk.webs.com/CCPShappybanner-11.jpg">.: 17 November 2005 - Survey >.<

Friday, November 18, 2005

17 November 2005 - Survey >.<

1) 5 things I plan to do before I die
* Kill ALL the ants in the world! Yay!
* Fly a plane, or anything that has to do with planes.
* Learn to play the piano
* Beat my brother's deck continuously with my own deck. (and I will see a pig flying... )
* Beat my brother or my friend continuously at chinese chess.

2) 5 things I can do well
* Be sarcastic
* Annoy people
* Crack lame jokes
* Dismantling things
* Have a bad sense of humor

3) 5 things I cannot do well
* Make friends
* Remember things
* Think fast
* Come up with ideas
* Not annoy people

4) 5 things that attract me to other people
* Who?

5) 5 things I say most often
* Whatever
* Bloody (often followed by "hell")
* What? (Often followed by an innocent expression...)
* Wa Lao

6) 5 celebrity crushes
* nil


Blogger MdmSng said...

You seem to have a lot of negative energy and sending out negative vibes very often.

Loosen up and take life a little less seriously. Why is everything crappy to you? If you don't want to do the survey, just don't do it.
No one's forcing you to do it.

Too much frustrations over little things will make you age faster. So cheer up and be more positive!

18 November, 2005 10:53  

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