<img height="80" width="600" src="http://shdwhawk.webs.com/CCPShappybanner-11.jpg">.: December 2005

Friday, December 30, 2005

30 December 2005 Boo hoo hoo...

Second last day of December. Sigh.

I've completed some compos. Well... depending on how you want to define them, but I'll just call them compos. I understand what Mdm Sng and Mr Chia wanted from the compos, and I must state that I do not intend to be calculative or complaining, although some of my compos seem to indicate so. Some of my compos are nonsense, exaggerating and not true, although two of them are based mostly on real facts. (Figure out which is which yourself.)
I have to thank Jencen for giving me the idea for my compos.

Here goes nothing...


11 (b). My unlucky day.

My unlucky day was the last day of holiday lessons. During the five days, a nice pile of homework was accumulated. It had rained that day. I slipped on the road, and to add insult to injury, I dropped all the notes and worksheets I was holding, the result being they were soaked through, and I also accidentally tore a few of them.


10 (a). Taking the wrong bus in error.

On my way back home that day, preoccupied with the load of homework, I accidentally took the wrong bus. My mind was so muddled that I ended up changing bus eight times before managing to return to a place where I am familiar with. By the time I reached home, four hours had passed and I was thoroughly pissed off.


27 (b). “I did not know what happiness was until…”

I did not know what happiness was until I combined the thoughts of shredding my notes and worksheets, reading my way through a nice large pile of books, deliberately distorting the purpose of the composition homework given by Mr. Chia, creating and writing nonsensical, highly exaggerated and often not true single paragraphed so-call compositions, thinking how exasperated and annoyed everyone will be, and laughing my head off at all these thoughts.


37 (a). A difference of opinion.

Mr Chia, with the intention of either torturing us or simply because he thinks this holiday composition homework is useful to improving our English, wants us to write tons of compositions during the holidays. However, I decided to make his plans backfire with the help and idea our English teacher inadvertently gave me. Our kind teacher has agreed to reduce the minimum number of compositions required to be submitted, and has also given everyone the choice of submitting either in written form after school reopens or in our blogs during our school holidays. The latter option allowed me to interpret Mr Chia's assignment differently. Thus, these compos are now here.


Well, writing nonsense isn't so easy after all. I will put up the rest when I can come with more rubbish. So long!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

14 December 2005

YIPPEE!!! Just went to Orchard Library today, and found that from 31 November to don't know when January, the number of books one is allowed to borrow has been doubled. So instead of 4 books, I can borrow 8. Now I've got a nice pile of books to keep me company. So long, homework! =P Just kidding... But those books are definately better companions than textbooks and homework.

Monday, December 12, 2005

12 December 2005 - Yeah! A silver!

Apparently the competition date for our school is 10 December. And lihua claims that they got a Silver C! Yeah. Still better than a Bronze, lihua. And this does prove our choir is a baby choir... still need a strict instructor, then can do well.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

9 December 2005 - Yeah!

The choir is competing in an international competion in Kuala Lumpur from 9 Dec to 13 Dec. Kah Sin and Ying Ling from our class is taking part.
Bring back something good (just so long its not a C.O.P)!

Good Luck.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

3 December 2005 - Mdm Sng's going, & someone's coming back.

Its not yet a millennium, but ah well... who cares? Hahaha. My brother is sleeping so I get to use the computer. He's in NS, so since he only comes home every weekend, I have to let him use the pc. But what he ususlly does is just play games and inadvertably try to crash the pc. That idiot. And after his BMT passing out parade on the 6th (this explains the title I hope), he will be on a 10 day leave until he receives his posting. I pity the pc.

Actually, I usually read many books simultanous when the book I'm reading is boring. The record lihua and I are talking about is this (as lihua phrase it. It's in the previous post comments): "I'm trying to break her record of reading so many books."
This does not include newspapers and magazines. First, I don't read magazines. I'm not the type to be obsessive over a picture. And magazines can't really be counted right? Especially since those magazines lihua read have tons of pictures and few words. Second, I usually don't have every single day's newspaper. And third, lihua can forget about this because I don't intend to spoil my eyesight. And I finish all current hairy otter's books. :P
Maybe I should try thinking of ways to insult daniel, but since he is a real person, I'm not going to. Harry Potter is not real, so I can insult him all I like. And I like to see you try to even find the AREA where I live in, lihua (I'm sure you can't). Yes, yes, I know I live in Singapore...

As for my phrase book, I thought of copying wholesale from the dictionary because it is difficult to find words that can be put into my phrase book. Not to mention I usually ended up reading that book instead of looking for words. Sometimes I learn new words or phrases but am too lazy to note it down. I suppose that's why my spelling (and occasionally pronuciation) is absymal. Though if I see a word frequent enough I may remember it.

I know about the Library at Orchard. Many books I search up can be found there, but my mother want one of my parents to accompany me. So I have yet to go there.

Lihua, you say you learn a new word: bumbershoot. There is no such word, and I seriously doubt the markers will be impressed. Besides, why complicate things? An umbrella is an umbrella.
And be careful you don't turn into a blundering idiot that bumbles on and go bumbling about (see if you can figure that out). ;P

Friday, December 02, 2005

2 December 2005

First of all, I like to say my myopia problem is due to BOTH playing games and reading. I can, at times, read finish 1 to 2 books a day. But ever since my degree shot up, I'm limiting myself, besides, the Geylang East library is running ouut of interesting books, or rather, has ran out of... And Li Hua, reading 6 harry potter books in a week then not reading for the rest of the month does not count if you trying to compete, and I'm not rereading the books that I normally read. (You can never break my record).
Secondly, mdm sng... the problem is that I DON'T take a break when I'm reading. And lately, due to the lack of paper books, I'm also reading e-books, which means I have to look at the computer. I can also start on at least 2 books. On 27 Nov (my previous post), I had already started on 3 books - 2 library books and 1 ebook. So, Li hua, what have you got to say?
Thirdly, my large jumps in eyesight degree was when I was aroung Pr5 and Pr6. At that time, I hardly played any computer games. In fact, the pc could hardly support many games. And at that time, I read a lot, especially during the holidays, thats why li hua can never beat my highest record. Now I'm trying to taper down the stress on my eyes, so forget about future competions.
I don't have to go to lihua's blog to laugh my head off. Her obsession with Harry (hairy) Otter (lol) is rather amusing. And the alteration of harry's name is also rather amusing (especially when I imagine someone's reaction...). I'm still wondering when my friend is gonna call me for a game (sports, not pc!). She said she will call me to play badminton, but its nearly 2 weeks. Maybe I'll just call her.

And mdm sng, you have yet to answer this question: can I just simply go through the dictionary, then write down the words that I do not know in my phrase book?

I'm itching to continue my reading, just decided to put it off a while to take a look at my blog. Maybe I'll continue some other time, see you next millennium...