<img height="80" width="600" src="http://shdwhawk.webs.com/CCPShappybanner-11.jpg">.: 17 April 2006, belated Monday

Saturday, April 22, 2006

17 April 2006, belated Monday

On Monday, our first period teacher mentioned about certain social issues. She then mentioned that she recently saw several (or is it many?) gohkah (dunno how to spell) guards outside an american club, and they were carrying machine guns. Apparently she had never seen anyone carrying weapons since she was in seoul more than 10 years ago. At that time she was really frighten -- that one of the soldiers/guards might accidentally drop his weapon and it will discharge and hit someone. lol Obviously she had too much imagination and watched too many shooting movies.
Firstly, they are soldiers and are trained. They don't drop their weapons easily, if they do, they'll likely get hell from their superiors. Secondly, if they did drop (a NS recruit did that once during a parade, I wondered if he got chewed out), there is something call a safety. If it's on, the weapon cannot fire.
This is funnier still: I really wanted to tell her to go to Pulau Tekong if she wants to go offshore to an extremely safe place with no sight of machine guns or sub-m. But with her crankiness (she was calling people who speak up uncalled for rude), I decided I would be safer keeping quite and imagining her expression if she ever sets foot on Pulau Tekong.

To a particular stick-in-the-mud: I'm not being critical. This is just my bad sense of humor.

PS. For girls who don't know (boys should or will know), Pulau Tekong is the training center for NS recruits. You won't see subs or machine guns... ... ... you'll see rifles. ^.^


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