<img height="80" width="600" src="http://shdwhawk.webs.com/CCPShappybanner-11.jpg">.: February 2006

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Confuse, confuse? Yeah!

I'll be taking my blog down. It will not be up for a long time until I get things sort out, so I'll blog in my website if I really need to.

25 February 2006, Saturday

Lihua, I did comment on your blog. As for your forum, maybe I should tell your sister you are using the network line... As for the poor ball, well, I can't say anything. And as for your new layout, I'll go check it out when I have time, say maybe next century. As for playing against you and your prediction of losing to me, didn't you say your primary school CCA is mini-tennis? Well, my is choir, so I'll say its more likely that I will lose.

Speaking of friday, I didn't see any F4-1 choir members, with exception of myself, on friday. Choir ended at 1800 hrs instead of 1830 hrs. Ms Loh decided to let us off early. Yeah. After choir, I walked around to our class block. Amazing. F4-2's classroom's lights are still on. Wow. So what time did Ms Lam's lecture ended? 1900 hrs? Heh. That's what you get from trying to pon choir (with referrence to Yingling's absence).

My arm's still sore. From the tennis racket's torture on wednesday and from Lay Lian's torture on friday. WeiEn joined our badminton game yesterday, making it two against one against laylian. After a break, he suddenly turn around to play against me! Sneaky little kid...
Ms Ng S. Y. played against some of the Sec 2s. I tried to get her to play against LayLian, but she say no, apparently because she think LayLian so 'li hai'. Sigh...
Victor and JunQuan was playing tennis, but I doubt they would want us to join them. Boys. Always looking down on girls, unless we are big size like Laylian, then they tease us instead. *rolls eyes*

I got a solution to my little tennis problem. Laylian is really annoying, always giving the excuse that mdm sng is not her teacher but mine, so it should be me who's asking. So next time laylian wants me to ask mdm sng if we can borrow the rackets, I'll either make her ask, or attach a condition -- that she''l have to play against mdm sng. Lets see what she's gonna do.

P.S. I can only post on the weekends and possibly on mondays and thursdays, because I use the pc only on those days.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Someone don't like tennis? Wait a minute! What you mean she changed her mind?!

Alright... Here was what I intended to write in my blog for yesterday.

Wed 22 February 2006
Yeah, finally got someone to abandon the idea of playing tennis with me. I played tennis for over an hour with LayLian and all I can say is, I was right in saying I can't really play tennis. The bloody racket is too heavy.
Lay Lian also hit 2 balls out of the court. One went to the PIE and the other, fortunately, was still in school grounds. Not to mention quite a lot bounced off the top of the court wall.
After playing, Lay Lian said she doesn't want to play tennis anymore. YEAH!!! But also a pity. I still want to see her against mdm sng.

ok. Today, Thur 23 February 2006
Sigh... LayLian suddenly told me during lunch today that she still wants to play tennis (WITH ME!!!). Spoilt my happy mood. I was looking forward to blogging yesterday and this morning. Now this. Sigh... And, soooooooooooooo unfortunate, she's too shy and doesn't want to play against mdm sng. She wanna play against ME!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! HELP! Why does this school have to have a tennis court?
Mdm sng, is there anyway way I can get her to play against you? Hee hee.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Missing bloggers?

I just finished my blog page, and found out that 11 people from our class do not have any blogs. I made the list from the class list, following index number order, with mdm sng first. If anyone's name is wrong, let me know. If anyone's name looks weird, go crack your brain.

Sudoku, sudok, sudo, sud, su, s... What?

First of all, Huadou, I said the the link is on my site. For your information, my blog is officially declared by me A LONG TIME AGO to be part of my site. And the link IS on my blog.

Recently, I copied some sudoku off a site to do. Then I realised that some people in class are still very interested in it. At least 3 people asked where I get it. So to shut everyone up, I'll just put very very simple instructions here. Click on the link to a brain teaser site at the bottom of the sidebar bar at the left of my blog.
Repeat: On the left of my blog page is a sidebar. Scroll down and follow the sidebar to the bottom. The FIRST icon link is a link to Braingle. It is a brain teaser site. CLICK ON IT.
I found out it is not necessary to sign in, though you can. It's free. Sudoku is one of the games available.
The second link is to a virtual-pet rearing site somewhat similar to neopets.

And Uni's site always hang on my pc.